Qualities and Traits a Six Sigma Green Belt Professional Should Have


We all know that the Six Sigma method is widely praised for its effective application in various areas of business, but when it is combined with great leaders, extraordinary results can be achieved. Among the strongest leadership qualities that Six Sigma professionals practice, seven qualities stand out most often. For leaders turning to Six Sigma management, developing and enhancing these traits can help increase competitive advantage.

Thinking of improving your skills and getting Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training? Or did your manager recommend you for a Green Belt role and suggest you take a course?

Whatever the reason, attending Green Belt training is a significant opportunity to develop your skills and competencies. But to be successful in your role, once the training is complete, you will need to demonstrate a certain set of qualities and attributes. Most of the leading training providers offer ongoing support throughout your journey, but as a Six Sigma Green Belt, it's also important to take responsibility and implement your own improvement projects as quickly as possible.

Top qualities that every Lean Six Sigma Belt must possess to be a successful change agent:

  • Enthusiasm to learn new skills such as project management, change management, data analysis techniques, and processes.
  • Strong desire to inspire, lead and collaborate with colleagues for the benefit of the organization, its customers, and possibly other stakeholders.
  • A fact-based and data-based approach to work and decision-making.
  • Practical and pragmatic approach to problem-solving.
  • Positive attitude and belief that focus and hard work lead to success.
  • The ability not only to listen but also to communicate ideas and concepts.
  • Talent for seeing the big picture but comfortable with details.
  • Understand that maps rarely reflect areas - at least when first drawn.
  • Inspires a high degree of self-confidence and negotiating power and trust in others.
  • Flexible attitude towards new concepts and ideas.
  • The ability to manage time and be aware of other people's time.
  • Persistence and willingness to see things through anything.
  • Hire a manager or sponsor to support you both verbally and through action.
  • Ability to rely on and support others as a good team player.
  • The true belief is that all problems can be redefined as opportunities for positive change.


Results Driven – Six Sigma Green Belts are expected to work and deliver tangible financial results to businesses. You have to be smart and quick to rate low results in the process and show quick wins to generate support for the project team. In today's economy, good green belts are cost conscious and must always maintain positive value for money in every project they undertake. He had to ruthlessly prioritize his opportunities and select only those projects that demonstrated a high impact-to-effort ratio.


Customer Advocacy for Green Belts – Green Belts need to convey in simple terms the understanding that the customer is always the recipient of the process and that the customer (both internal and external) is always the main determinant of product or service quality. Understanding Customer Needs (CTQ) is the key to process improvement.



While knowledge is clearly essential for effective leadership, the leadership qualities and “soft skills” exhibited by potential leaders can add to business theory and other related experiences. For Six Sigma professionals who aspire to advanced leadership roles, it is important to spend time developing the qualities needed to excel at higher levels of leadership. Ongoing professional development and mentoring and leadership training are all ways to foster the growth necessary to keep leadership skills relevant and responsive for decades to come. 


If you want to get enrolled with Six sigma certification online Indiayou can contact ISEL global, a pioneer institute for online Six Sigma certification


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