Why should you do a six sigma green belt certification? Best benefits of a six sigma green belt certification


Are you looking for career advancements? If your answer is yes then you are at the right place. When it comes to career progression, enhancing the skills one possesses becomes very important. In the fast-moving corporate environment, upgrading oneself from time to time is the only mantra of success. For this one can opt for higher education or go for certifications. The latter one is the more preferred especially when you are in a job. Certifications help in attaining the latest skills and knowledge from time to time. They are budget-friendly and demand less time.

One of the most opted certificates by professionals nowadays is the six sigma certification. The course is composed of the tools and techniques to improve the nuances of the business process. With time the procedures and processes of the business need to be altered. This is done to satisfy and fulfill the customer’s changing needs. Understanding consumer behavior in any business is very important. According to that, the business processes need to be changed so that the company remains in the competition. Companies that adhere to change remain successful in the long run.

Lean six sigma green belt helps individuals to learn the art of improving the business process using tools like project charter, the voice of the customer, critical to quantity, fishbone diagram, process map, etc. All these techniques help the companies to know the root cause of the problem and improve it.


There are techniques to improve the existing process and make the new processes apt. This is done by  DMAIC and DMADV techniques respectively.


DMAIC stands for define, measure, analyze, improve and control. In the define phase, the problem is tried to be identified. This is done by noting the voice of customers. What problem they are facing. In the measure phase, the criticality of the problem is measured by changing VOC into a quantifiable term that is CTQ – critical to quantity. In the analysis phase, the root cause of the problem is identified so that it can be treated then and there. Here regression tools are also used to check whether the process is left-skewed, right-skewed, or in line with the ideal graph depicting the process. Accordingly, in the improvement phase, the problem is tried to be resolved and in the control phase, companies try to maintain the same state till the time any new advancements are required.

Similar to this process, when any new process is composed the phases followed are defined measure, analyze, define and validate.

All these things are taught during six sigma. The course has three levels that are green belt, black belt, and master black belt. With each phase, the knowledge is enhanced and the job horizon expands.


Six sigma green belt is the starting level and has many benefits in terms of career progression. Some of them are as follows:

  •     Since the demand is high for this skill and fewer people know about this, the employees have the opportunity to work in companies of their choice.
  •        The value of the employee increases across the organization
  •     You are much more employable than your peers than its hard to go out of the job
  •      Handsome salary
  •      One can work with the managerial department. 

All these benefits tempt the professionals to go for this course and start a new journey towards a successful career. One of the best institutes from which professionals can pursue this course is ISEL Global Education. The trainers are highly qualified and experienced. With both practical and theoretical exposure, they help you to increase your career by leaps and bounds.


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